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Latest Past Events
WILD: Exploring “Justice” in the Juvenile Criminal System
A "Justice Through Art" discussion on systemic racism in the juvenile criminal system with award-winning choreographer Jeremy McQueen, dancer Elijah Lancaster, Professor Fareed Nassor Hayat, and Sorensen Fellow Pablo Rojo '21.
Critical Voices: Eradicating Racism – Utilizing UN Mechanisms to Pursue Justice in the U.S.
Gay McDougall, recently renominated to UN CERD, discusses how lawyers and activists can use UN mechanisms to hold the U.S. accountable for racial injustices.
OutSummit 2020
OutRight Action International hosts the sixth annual OutSummit, in partnership with the Sorensen Center and CUNY Law's Human Rights & Gender Justice Clinic. The conference addresses global social and legal LGBTIQ issues.